Kiryat Shmona is a small town of maybe 22,000 people and hundreds of stray cats, dogs, wolves.....
Is Kiryat Shmona sometimes spelled differently?
Kiryat Shmona is sometimes written Qiryat Shmona or Qiryat Shemona. English speakers will think this strange
("Q" without an "U") but a single Q is pronouced like a "K". As you know we speak HEBREW here!
Kiryat Shmona is named in rememberance of shomna = 8 early settlers who were killed at the turn of the century nearby.
Kiryat Shmona is on the ISRAELI SYRIAN LEBANESE borders in the "FINGER of the GALILEE" in Nothern ISRAEL. The target of the Katusha Rocket ?!?
I drove a 1970 VW Beetle for years until we traded it in for a 1986 Subaru sedan. The only camels in this part of the country come in cartons!
Note: Camels are much more expensive than cars. Gasoline in ISRAEL is expensive, too!
How far is it from Tel-Aviv? Jerusalem? Atlanta?
It is about a 3 hour drive to Tel-Aviv, about a 3 and 1/2 hour drive to JERUSALEM on the Jericho road and maybe a few months of paddling to Atlanta.
At this date there a two little ones and two big ones.
To be updated regularly..
I am David. My wife is Leah. Zach is the BIG kid. And Ziv is the LITTLE kid.
Really! You think I can give out classified information?!?
I try to keep occupied...
Electronics... Computers Harware Software